Academic PhilosophyGrace Christian Academy is committed to academic integrity, perseverance, and excellence. We offer an integrated, challenging, and interactive program that teaches students to be responsible for their own learning. Teachers promote high academic standards by offering individualized attention to each student. The use of technology, multimedia, music, art, and athletics enhance the academic base of their education.
English Literacy & Fluency One of our goals is to help improve each student’s English literacy and fluency, so all instruction is done in English. This does not mean you will not hear Spanish spoken in our school. Early Childhood classes are taught by bilingual teachers. Our bilingual Early Childhood Teacher Aid also assists students by repeating instructions in Spanish as an extra support in the process of strengthening their English skills. |
CurriculumGrace uses Common Core standards to ground our curriculum, much like you would see in any public school in Illinois. The use of MAP testing monitors student growth and progress over the school year. However, teachers often incorporate their own creative and engaging activities and lessons to support student learning as opposed to always teaching directly from a textbook.
Grading Scale Grace Christian Academy’s grading scale is a common letter scale, with the exception that the letter grade “D” does not exist. We believe that any student who works consistently and to the best of their ability is able to obtain a minimum average "C" score. |
At Grace, we believe that religious instruction is very important. Each day, our students learn about Jesus and His love for us through Bible verses, songs, and prayers. Once a week, the entire school gathers for Chapel. As a school of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS), we follow its teaching and tenets. The Christian faith is part of who we are and all students are expected to attend weekly chapel services and participate in religious instruction.
Tutoring ServicesGrace currently offers Title 1 tutoring through Rocket Learn, a company that provides small group tutoring sessions to students who are referred to receive the services. These tutoring sessions occur during the school day and at times when students will not miss other essential lessons. Also, many classroom teachers will make themselves available before or after school to work with a student who needs extra help.
Grace Christian Academy
4106 W. 28th Street Chicago, IL 60623 (773) 762-1234 [email protected] School Hours: 8:30am - 3:15pm Office Hours: 9am-3pm |